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Two Butter Raisin Biscuits - 100g

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Couque with two grape butters: churned butter from Brittany and tourage butter PDO Poitou Charentes! One for the creaminess and the other for the crispness...With currants! What more can be said...
Allergens: Gluten, Sulphites, Eggs and Milk see less

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Passion fruit Jumbo - 1pc ±100g

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A fruit with an exceptional flavour thanks to its small seeds coated with the aril, a translucent, fragrant orange pulp. Very rich in vitamin C, carotene, minerals, iron and fibre! Caution for allergy sufferers: Passion fruit is associated with latex allergy! see less

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Pasteis de nata

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Le classique de la pâtisserie portugaise : une pâte feuilletée croustillante qui abrite une petite tarte à la crème, ici dans sa forme la plus classique: citron, vanille, canelle
Allergènes: gluten, lactose see less

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Chocolate Pavé - 200g

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The Chocolate Pavé is the friend of your breakfasts and snacks. Without butter and very low in sugar, it allows you to indulge yourself while respecting a balanced diet. It has been created in the spirit of our grandmothers' snacks, who used to give us bread with a square of dark chocolate as a snack. This Chocolate Pavé contains only bread dough and vintage dark chocolate!
Allergens: Gluten see less

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Organic chard - 1pc ±600g

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Chard is a vegetable plant whose intense green leaves and fleshy ribs (stems) are eaten like a vegetable. It can be eaten raw or cooked. Be careful, however: the ribs take longer to cook, so it is advisable to separate them! In terms of taste, chard is similar to spinach, but firmer and less sweet than beetroot! A delight, essential for a pie al d'jote for example! see less

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Ham without nitrite

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Approximately 4 slices per 150g
A plain ham without nitrite and without additives, preserved with sea salt: It will be less pink than the others, but with a preserved taste that evolves with time without diminishing its quality! A raw happiness. Beware, it will not keep as long. see less

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Organic Haas Avocado 1pc

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The best avocado variety! Creamy in texture and nutty in taste, you'll recognize it by its purplish-brown colour when ripe. The Hass avocado is a nutritional goldmine: vitamins, minerals, proteins and oils, it is the most nutritious fruit there is! see less

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Noix de Saint-Jacques 1pc

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Noix de Saint-Jacques Française fraîchement nettoyée avec le corail. Un goût fin et délicat, la praline de la mer se déguste simplement, cuites dans du beurre bien chaud, agrémentée de ciboulette fraîchement coupée ou d'échalottes. Comptez 4 à 6 par personnes. Le secret réside dans la cuisson: Déposez-les dans une poêle bien chaude, de préférence en inox, et retournez-les souvent. Pas plus de 5-7 minutes! see less

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Fresh Bear's garlic 100g

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Quite rare on our shelves, and yet so good! Bear's garlic is a wild plant that resembles lily of the valley and can be eaten raw or cooked (we prefer it raw!) to liven up salads, pizza, pasta or any other dish. In pesto, it is magical! In short, we love it. see less

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Artichoke 1pc

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Appreciated for both its leaves and its refined-tasting heart. It is a high source of fiber, minerals, and numerous vitamins. It has a strong antioxidant power that provides many health benefits. see less

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Organic bananas in clusters 1kg

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The sweet, creamy taste of bananas is a reflection of their high nutritional value. Bananas are very rich in potassium and pectin, a fibre that contributes to the proper functioning of our digestive system. They are also rich in magnesium and vitamins C and B. see less

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Pancetta per 100g

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Pancetta is made in Emilia Romagna at high altitude, dry salted and stuffed into a natural gut. It is dried for 5 months, eaten raw or cooked, in cold cuts or in sauces: the choice is yours! Let's not forget that Pancetta is one of the ingredients of the traditional Bolognese! see less

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Chicory in the ground 500g

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Much better than chicory in "aquaponics", the chicon pleine terre is a pillar of Belgian gastronomic culture. Raw in a salad, cooked in a purée, or caramelised in a pan, chicon can also be served as a tapas by garnishing its raw leaves with grey shrimp or cod liver, for example! see less

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Ciabatta - 350g

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A real ciabatta with a crumb flavoured with olive oil. An unparalleled softness in the mouth with a thin crust. The olive oil in the bread helps to preserve it longer.A must try!
Allergens: Gluten" see less

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Pomegranate - 1pc ±130g

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A variety of passion fruit, slightly acidic and very rich in vitamin C. A very juicy pulp with an exceptional aroma, the Grenadilla is also rich in fibre! To be eaten plain, opened in half and eaten with a spoon. Don't hesitate to use it to garnish a salad, or even a fish! see less

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Organic Carrots in bundle medium size 1pc

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Carrots in bundles with their tops are two vegetables in one! Don't throw away these precious leaves, rich in chlorophyll and antioxidants, which can be cooked in soup, pesto or in poellets! Carrots, raw, cooked or in juice, will ensure that you get your dose of provitamin A, which stimulates the immune system. see less

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Organic Broccoli 550g

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The flowers are eaten in bud as well as the still tender stems. It can be sautéed in a wok with small vegetables and poultry or cooked in gratins, pies, soups or with pasta. It goes well with salmon and all egg-based dishes (omelettes, flans, quiches, soufflés, etc.). see less

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Organic Fennel - 1pc ±500g

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Fennel, the best friend of fish, for stuffing, or to accompany it in papillotte. Try it also simply grated on pasta with olive oil and parmesan, or with salmon tagliatelle. Simply grilled, it can be the star of fish barbecues! see less

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Organic Belgian cauliflower from Mechelen 1pc

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In a gratin, steamed or simply raw as an appetizer to dip in a cocktail sauce for example. Mashed cauliflower is also delicious! Put them in a blender after steaming (or boiling) them, add a little cream or coconut milk and you will have a smooth, starch-free purée! see less

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Organic Celery root 1pc

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The star of the famous remoulade, celeriac can also be cooked in purée, au gratin or even fried! Cut the celeriac into chips and put it in the oven with a little fat, it will replace your traditional starchy foods. see less

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Drops - 100g

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DROPS pure butter PDO from Poitou Charente with our sourdough, homemade pastry cream and grand cru chocolate. DROPS is an alternative version of the classic chocolate bread: it is more flaky, includes custard and contains more chocolate.
Allergens: Luten, Eggs and Milk see less

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Raisin Bread - 100g

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Pure butter PDO raisin breads from Poitou Charente with our homemade sourdough. The sourdough improves the taste and preservation. What else can we say, they are magnificent!
Allergens: Gluten, Sulphites, Eggs and Milk see less

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Apple Gosette - 100g

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Gosette/chausson pure butter PDO from Poitou Charente with our homemade sourdough and apple sauce. Our sourdough improves the taste and preservation. The gosette is very tasty and not very sweet. The fruit is really highlighted.
Allergens: Gluten, Sulphites, Eggs and Milk see less

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Eggplant Long China - 1pc ±350g

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On les appelle les "Aubergines chinoises", une variété d'aubergine longues (jusqu'à 30 cm!) délicieuses sautées en Wok, mais rôties entières au four. Une belle variété qui fera jouer votre imagination! see less

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Homemade artichoke cream 100g

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An explosion of flavours in the mouth. Made with artichoke hearts, parmesan, extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic, this cream has a smooth texture and a rich, intense flavour. The salty, slightly acidic notes of the artichoke hearts are perfectly balanced with the umami flavour of the parmesan and the spicy touch of the garlic. The creamy texture of this preparation is perfect with fresh bread, raw vegetables or as a sauce for your pasta or vegetable dishes. see less

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Tropea onions 500g

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The Tropea onion is a sweet and mild variety of onion, often considered one of the best in the world. It is characterised by its dark red skin and juicy, tender flesh. It is particularly suitable for salads, sauces and marinades, but can also be used for cooking and frying. The Tropea onion variety is often associated with Italian cuisine and is particularly popular in the Calabria region. Its mild, sweet flavour makes it an ideal ingredient for sweet and sour dishes and spice blends. see less

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Organic spinach sprouts 250g

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An ideal addition to your salads, with all the benefits of spinach: Very rich in iron as well as vitamins A, B, K, C and antioxidants! Spinach aids digestion, which is why it's nicknamed "the broom of the stomach"! Unlike sprouts (soybeans, alfalfa, etc), in young shoots, only the stem and young leaves are eaten. Leaving the root and the base of the stem allows the plant to grow back. see less

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