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Tenderloin Black Angus

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The fillet is the most tender of all cuts. Not too much fat, but still a little (it's still Black Angus!) for a tender meat that melts in the mouth like a praline. Free-range, grass-fed beef. see less

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Filet de Saumon Label Rouge sans peau

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Skinless, ideal for stewed, baked or raw dishes! A tasty organic salmon caught in Scotland. Salmon is an oily fish, and so much the better as it is mainly composed of polyunsaturated fatty acids such as omega-3, which are good for the heart!
Origin: Scotland see less

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Filet de Saumon Label Rouge Avec Peau

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A tasty organic salmon caught in Scotland. With skin on, ideal for grilling or one-sided eating! Salmon is an oily fish, and so much the better since it is essentially composed of polyunsaturated fatty acids such as omega-3, which are good for the heart!
Origin: Scotland see less

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Sole 350 g (3+)

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La Sole est reconnue pour la finesse de sa chair. Meunière, coupé court ou en filets: vous choisissez, le poissonnier la découpera minute juste avant qu'on vous la livre!

Origine:Mer du Nord - Belgique see less

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Huitres Gillardeau par 6

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Generous flesh, delicately sweet flavours and an unrivalled length in the mouth, the Gillardeau house has been forced to put a cigle to each of its oysters as they are so copied! The oysters are bred for 4 years including 3 dives in deep waters rich in phytoplankton to give them their unique taste. see less

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Rack Iberico

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A rack of Iberian chops tied together, ideal for slow cooking or baking! The Iberian pig has a very marbled meat thanks to the acorn-based diet of this Spanish breed. It produces a tender meat with a very pronounced taste. see less

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Daurade Royale entière ±750g

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La chair de la daurade est tout à fait exquise, ferme et pauvre en graisses. Elle est excellente frite ou grillée, par exemple au barbecue. Il est également possible de la pocher, faire frire ou braiser. Grillée ou en papillote, la daurade est parfaitement mise en valeur. La daurade figure souvent au menu dans le sud de l'Europe. C'est un poisson qui se prépare aussi très bien sous une croûte salée. see less

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Leg of Lamb

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The most important part of the lamb, certainly the most tender, ideal for the oven, why not with honey and thyme? Be careful, never prick your leg of lamb before putting it in the oven: The cooking juices will run out and it will lose its tenderness and its delicate taste. see less

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T-bone Black Angus Matured

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The T-Bone is mythical and doubly noble: the fillet and the striploin, for a refined and tasty piece of meat, without the fat of a rib on the bone, but this bone, precisely, which holds the meat together and gives it a coating and bewitching flavour! see less

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Veal Grenadin

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When roasted, it melts under the tongue. In the leg -- An incredible delight, tender and lean, fine and tasty meat for this free-range veal in Belgium. You can also choose a thinner cut and fry it on the grill or in a pan! see less

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Lamb shoulder roast 1pc

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The shoulder of lamb is generally less coveted than the leg of lamb: And that is a mistake! It is one of the most tender parts of the animal. You can enjoy it in long, low temperature or simmered dishes! A very nice alternative to the leg of lamb. see less

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T-bone Black Angus Matured

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Marbled and tender to perfection, grass-fed, free-range beef, matured between 3 and 5 weeks on the carcass. Sear it on a very hot grill, then finish cooking it in the oven. Let the meat rest in aluminum after cooking for a tender, juicy appearance. see less

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Bar de Ligne

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Poisson mythique, sa chair maigre, ferme, blanche et nacrée en fait un des grands classiques des belles tables. Si les petits bars de 1 à 2 kg sont les plus fréquents, les plus belles pièces peuvent approcher les 10 kg. Le bar de ligne peut être pêché à la canne, à la ligne de traîne ou à la palangre. Il est alors immédiatement saigné et traité à bord pour préserver la qualité de la chair. see less

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Entrecôte Black Angus maturée

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Savoureuse et beurrée, plus grasse que la moyenne grâce à un régime au grain de 100 jours après avoir gambadé dans les grandes plaines irlandaises.
La découpe la plus marbrée et persillée, du boeuf, élevé en plein air et nourri au gazon, maturé entre 3 et 5 semaines sur carcasse.Saisissez le sur un grill très chaud, puis terminez la cuisson au four. Laissez reposer la viande dans de l'alluminium après la cuisson pour un aspect tendre et juteux.

Plusieurs découpes (poids) disponibles, comme en magasin!
Maturation: Viande maturée entre 4 et 6 semaine en boucherie!
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Filets de Barbue 500g, avec peau

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Minute cut from the whole fish (1.2kg or so!), these fillets of Barbue will delight you with their white, lean and firm flesh, between Turbot and Sole. The Barbue lends itself to all types of cooking, grilled, fried, in court-bouillon or poached.
Origin: North Sea - Belgium see less

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Filets de Barbue 500g, sans peau

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Minute-cut from the whole fish (about 1.2kg!), these fillets of Barbue will delight you with their white, lean and firm flesh, between Turbot and Sole. The Barbue lends itself to all types of cooking, grilled, fried, in court-bouillon or poached.
Origin: North Sea - Belgium see less

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