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  • Categories: Organic

Organic bananas in clusters 1kg

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The sweet, creamy taste of bananas is a reflection of their high nutritional value. Bananas are very rich in potassium and pectin, a fibre that contributes to the proper functioning of our digestive system. They are also rich in magnesium and vitamins C and B. see less

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Organic Carrots in bundle medium size 1pc

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Carrots in bundles with their tops are two vegetables in one! Don't throw away these precious leaves, rich in chlorophyll and antioxidants, which can be cooked in soup, pesto or in poellets! Carrots, raw, cooked or in juice, will ensure that you get your dose of provitamin A, which stimulates the immune system. see less

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Organic Broccoli 550g

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The flowers are eaten in bud as well as the still tender stems. It can be sautéed in a wok with small vegetables and poultry or cooked in gratins, pies, soups or with pasta. It goes well with salmon and all egg-based dishes (omelettes, flans, quiches, soufflés, etc.). see less

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Organic Celery root 1pc

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The star of the famous remoulade, celeriac can also be cooked in purée, au gratin or even fried! Cut the celeriac into chips and put it in the oven with a little fat, it will replace your traditional starchy foods. see less

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Organic Almonds Ravier 200g

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An excellent snack, delicious with fish and chicken (grilled, in butter!). Almonds also help to reduce bad cholesterol and are excellent for the bones thanks to their high mineral concentration. see less

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Croquettes de crevettes maison

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Faites maison, ces emblêmes de la gastronomie belge se dégustent sans modération, tant qu'on les accompagne de persil frit et d'un filet de citron! A cuire dans l'huile la plus chaude possible (min. 180°) see less

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Organic dried apricots 220g

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Organic dried apricots from France, organic farming. These are the timeless fruits we all know and love. Delicately sweet and delicious. Excellent as a snack or delicious in a salad with chicken, they can be enjoyed in many ways. Naturally rich in fibre, vitamins and antioxidants. see less

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Palourdes / Vongole par 200g

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La Palourde, c'est LE coquillage nécessaire pour des Pasta Alla Vongole, mais aussi pour une Clam Chowder. A consommer rapidement, et bien laver avant! L'idéal est de les laisser tremper dans une eau bien froide au moins 20 minutes. Comptez 200 à 250g de palourdes par personnes pour des pâtes ! see less

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Organic sweet potatoes 1kg

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A tasty, slightly sweet taste reminiscent of carrots. The sweet potato has nothing in common with the potato despite its name! The sweet potato is the basis of many tropical dishes. It also has less glycemic value than the potato. There are many ways to prepare it: boiled, sautéed, baked or fried. see less

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Organic pine nuts from Italy 80g

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The best pine nuts on the market. Indispensable for making Pestos, ideal in salads but also to garnish meat and fish (try it!), Pine nuts are also an excellent source of vegetable protein and "good fat", as well as Magnesium, Zinc, Manganese, Copper... see less

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Solette 150 g

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Plus petit qu'une sole, avec un peu moins de chair et au goût plus léger dont certain raffolent!
Origine: Mer du Nord - Belgique see less

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Dos d'Aiglefin

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Une chair blanche qui s'apparente à celle de la morue, mais avec un goût nettement plus raffiné, l'Aiglefin est préféré au cabillaud par les Ecossais et les canadiens pour les Fish&Chips par exemple!
Origine: Atlantique NE - Islande see less

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Anguilles fumées 100g

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C'est notre coup-de-coeur des poissons fumés. Ces anguilles sont juste délicieuses, et présenteront une belle alternative à la truite fumée. Un peu plus croustillante et menue, avec une longueur en bouche exceptionnelle. Vient emballée par 100g. see less

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Dos de cabillaud "Royal"

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La pièce la plus noble du cabillaud. Maigre, sans arrête, vous vous régalerez!
Conseils cuisson:A la poëlle, saisissez-le côté chair, puis baissez l'intensité et laissez cuire 3-5 minutes. Au four, l'idéal est de le cuire longtemps à moins de 100° pour que sa chair reste bien tendre!

Origine: Atlantique NE - Islande see less

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Green asparagus organic bunch - 1pc ±500g

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Firmer than white asparagus, they also have more flavor! How to wash asparagus? Rinse them under water, rubbing them lightly.Cooking asparagus: Always depends on the size, 15 to 20 minutes in water, 12 to 15 minutes in steam, or about ten minutes in a pan! see less

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Organic Coffee (BEANS) 3 Continents 500g

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Arabica, rich, fruity aroma; full body; medium acidity.

A precise blend of 3 of the finest Grands Crus harvested in each of the 3 coffee-producing continents. Central America, Indonesia and Africa! The whole Ecuador line in your cup! The fine acidity of the first coffee softens that of the third. The silky body of one of the origins softens the power of the other 2. A fruity, full-bodied blend with a hint of acidity. see less

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Filet de Saumon Label Rouge sans peau

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Skinless, ideal for stewed, baked or raw dishes! A tasty organic salmon caught in Scotland. Salmon is an oily fish, and so much the better as it is mainly composed of polyunsaturated fatty acids such as omega-3, which are good for the heart!
Origin: Scotland see less

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Filet de Saumon Label Rouge Avec Peau

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A tasty organic salmon caught in Scotland. With skin on, ideal for grilling or one-sided eating! Salmon is an oily fish, and so much the better since it is essentially composed of polyunsaturated fatty acids such as omega-3, which are good for the heart!
Origin: Scotland see less

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